LAM Fellow系列讲座报告——Prof. Harald Fuchs

来源:辽宁材料实验室 更新时间:2024-11-05


  On-surface precision chemistry using low-temperature STM and AFM under ultra-high vacuum conditions enables unique reaction pathways—such as orthogonal and surface-catalyzed reactions—that are unattainable in conventional liquid or gas-phase settings. This approach also allows control over the long-range order in self-assembled molecular structures, significantly enhancing charge carrier mobility in flexible FETs and solar cells by 2-3 orders of magnitude.

  Among various new on-surface reactions, we have discovered a promising strategy involving a molecular swarm-like system based on N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs). After vacuum deposition onto surfaces like Au(111), NHCs can either bind vertically to a single noble metal atom—forming unidirectional rotators—or extract a single atom from the surface and move across it in a 'ballbot' motion, eventually forming densely packed islands. Remarkably, on an Au(1×2) reconstructed surface, these ballbot-NHCs autonomously reorganize the surface atom by atom into an Au(1×3) 'Added Row (AR)' structure without any external stimuli. This discovery opens new avenues for controlling chemical reactions on surfaces and developing intelligent functional systems.


  Harald Fuchs现任德国明斯特大学物理研究所所长、德国科学院和工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士及发展中国家科学院院士,明斯特大学纳米技术研究中心创始人。主要从事纳米科学和技术、自组装纳米结构的制备以及纳米生物体系等研究,是国际知名的表面化学及纳米生物学学者。在Nature、Science、Nature Mat.、JACS等期刊发表论文700多篇,拥有58项专利,曾获德国一等联邦十字勋章、菲利普莫里斯奖、明斯特科学和经济创新奖等荣誉。此外,他还获得了中国政府友谊奖(2019)、中国国际科学技术合作奖(2020)及中国科学院国际交流计划(PIFI)杰出学者(2023)等奖项。
